02 – COVID 19, Crisis and Strategy
02 – COVID 19, Crisis and Strategy
In the past few weeks, we have overheard many people discussing how they have experienced an excellent performance in March and April and that they do not expect any fallout from the crisis. In the financial crisis of 2007/09, the real impact of the crisis only hit business six to twelve months later.
In the past few weeks, we have overheard many people discussing how they have experienced an excellent performance in March and April and that they do not expect any fallout from the crisis. In the financial crisis of 2007/09, the real impact of the crisis only hit business six to twelve months later. It is impossible to forecast with a hundred percent certainty what will happen in the next few months, yet it is clear that there will be a fallout from the increased levels of government debt across the globe, and the repayment of that will impact many industries and consumers for the next years…..